For every guy I meet who claims that they are successful with women, I meet another five who claim they are unsuccessful. This can be for a variety of reasons, lack of confidence, lack of opportunity or fear. A lot of men simply don't think they are that good looking and therefore they don't even bother approaching women most of the time. Well the funny thing is that one of my best friends is extremely unattractive. He even makes jokes about just how ugly he is. Infact he doesn't have much going for him either as he works a dead end job, doesn't drive and still lives at home with his mum. However, the weird thing is he is extremely successful when it comes to getting women.
Everyone always asks him how he managed to get so many different women. He said his secret to success was quite simple, "try, try and try again".
He is quite a confident guy and he doesn't take it personally if a women says no to him. He just goes and finds another woman he likes and asks them out. He figures that he can get a phone number for every five girls he asks. So if he is in a busy club or bar he will ask at least fifty women for a date or their number and leave at the end of the night with ten numbers. He says from there at least five will turn into dates and that's why we always see him with different women all the time.
That's when I realised the real reason most men aren't successful with women is simply because they probably don't ask enough women out. A lot of men may simply ask two or three and if they get rejected they will simply give up. Well if you keep going you will find success eventually.
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