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jeudi 23 septembre 2010

Girls Are Waiting For You, Guys - You Just Need To Go Say Hi!

As men, we have one incredible problem. We can rattle off sports statistics, we can carry a bunch of heavy stuff, we can communicate in grunts and nods alone, but there's always been one thing that most guys are terrible at.

Talking to women

And for what reason? Is the object of our desire going to flay us alive if we misstep? Is she going to grab all of her friends and ridicule you for even talking to her? Is she going to pour her drink on you?

Of course not! But for whatever reason, we always envision all of these things happening to us whenever we see a woman we find attractive. So what do we do? We mope. We order another drink. We reason that she was out of our league anyway and continue on with our lives.

You have to break out of the cycle, guys! Sure, approaching woman can be a nerve wracking experience, but guess what? They're just as nervous as you! But you know what's even crazier than that?

Woman are dying for you to approach them! Yes, you! They always complain about guys never coming to talk to them and guess what? You're that guy they want! You know why? Because you're different, you actually went up and introduced yourself. You've immediately set yourself above 99% of guys out there.

The easiest way to go meet a woman is literally walk towards her as soon as you see her. This keeps you from coming up with the million dumb excuses you make every time you see a pretty lady.

So what do you do when you get there? "Hi, I'm blank." Now you should really replace "blank" with your name, but depending on how you deliver it, even saying blank can still be a great opener.

The point is, guys, there's nothing to be afraid of. Like I said, it can be nerve wracking for the first few times you do it, but approaching women is seriously one of the easiest things in the world to do. I've never walked up to a woman when I was out that wasn't cordial. Everyone's out for the same reason: to have a good time and hopefully make new friends.

Just get out there and do it!

If your pulse starts racing just at the thought of going up to a woman while you're out, relax it's normal. You just haven't learned the right skill and haven't practiced. Click Here to discover the proven system that will line your pockets with phone numbers and leave you fighting the girls off of you with a stick

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

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