If only you could have all of the confidence in the world, ?you would be able to approach and meet any woman that you wanted to, ?right? ?Most guys lack confidence when it comes to women, ?especially when a woman is incredibly good looking. ?You might be wondering what you can do to build up your confidence when you are around women so that you can become a lot more successful at meeting and dating women.
Here are 3 tips on how to have confidence with women:
1. ?Realize that there's nothing that makes a good looking woman better than you.
One of the reasons why most guys lack confidence around a woman is because they assume that they are not in the same league as a woman who is very good looking. ?This is the classic idea of putting a woman up on a pedestal, ?and even guys that say they understand not to do this, ?they will do it when the woman is really beautiful. ?However, ?all that is going to do is make you get all nervous when you are around a woman.
2. ?Gain some experience being around good looking women.
You cannot expect to have a lot of confidence around good looking women if you are not used to the experience, ?can you? ?I mean, ?you have to gain some experience at anything in order to be comfortable and confident, ?so why would it be any different when it comes to women? ?The more you become used to being around attractive females, ?the more it will end up being no big deal to you, ?and you WILL have confidence.
3. ?Discover what women respond to.
Wouldn't you be confident if you already knew what it was that would make a woman respond to you? ? A lot of the insecurities that men have around women is because they are not really sure what they should be doing, ?and what they should be saying. ?When you already have an idea on what makes a woman feel attraction, ?then you will have nothing to worry about, ?and that in itself will make you a LOT more confident.
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