First things first: men chase, women catch. Yes, men love to chase and hunt, and this is especially true for single men who are in that stage in their lives when they are thoroughly enjoying their bachelorhood. So if single men are supposed to do the chasing, how on earth do you catch one? Follow these tips to learn everything you need to learn...
Be a woman.
Being a woman is quite different from being just a girl and being simply female. A woman who is attractive to a man is soft and fragile-looking on the outside but tough as nails on the inside.
Practice good hygiene and habits.
This might sound like feeble advice but it is one of the foundations for looking and feeling good. Spend time thoroughly cleaning your hair and nails and teeth and skin. Don't allow yourself to look dreadful. Eat healthy, exercise.
Choose your clothes well.
You don't have to have a closet full of designer clothes, you only need to have clean crisp outfits, and they should fit you perfectly. Choose cuts that become you and make sure the clothes you wear are appropriate for the occasion.
Throw away any excess baggage.
What kind of man do you think would win your heart: a grumpy guy who carries the world on his shoulders, or a guy who is emotionally in control and is not weighed down by unnecessary pressures? In the same way, if you want to win a man's heart, then try not to be too stiff and miserable.
Live a full life.
As they say, live each day like it's the last. It's not that you're going to eat, drink and be merry; it's a matter of appreciating life every day. Set aside some time to do the things you like to do. Smile. Laugh. Enjoy. A positive and happy attitude is more attractive than a sad, depressed disposition.
Be independent and productive.
If you want to win a single man's heart, then don't be a damsel in distress who is in desperate need to be rescued. Instead, be a damsel in distress who figures out a way down the tower on your own.
You need to keep on learning and growing and "bearing fruit". Maintain your individuality and be proud of who you are.
Let him do the chasing.
Don't be too eager to make a catch. Instead of actively trying to win his heart, take your time and let the guy work to win YOUR heart.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here
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