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samedi 25 septembre 2010

How to Flirt With a Woman and Make Her Want YOU - 3 Flirting Tips For Guys

Do you ever feel uncomfortable and kind of out of your element when flirting with a woman? ?Well, ?if you answered yes, ?then you are in the company of most single guys out there. ?Even though it seems like a small thing, ?not knowing how to flirt with a woman the right way can defeat your chances of making the right woman want you.?

Imagine you see the perfect woman and you finally get up the nerve to talk to her. ?And when you do, ?nothing seems to be coming out right. ?You start to get more and more uncomfortable and next thing you know, ?she is making a clean get away. ?You blew it!

Of course, ?if you were able to flirt with her the RIGHT way, ?the whole scene could have played out completely different.

Here are 3 flirting tips for guys that will change the way women respond to you and make a woman want YOU:

1. ?Women want to have fun when flirting with a guy, ?so make it FUN for her.

There's no point in getting all stressed out about flirting with a woman, ?because the whole point is to have a fun time. ?If you are feeling uncomfortable, ?then there is a really good chance that she is feeling the same way. ?And it is only human nature for her to want to get away from that feeling, ?and to do that, ?she has to get away from YOU. ?You don't want to make a woman feel that way, do you?

2. ?To make her really want you, ?you have to be able to go from flirting just a little bit to flirting a lot with her.

Most guys can do a little bit of flirting here and there, ?but they cannot do it for a prolonged amount of time. ?Look, ?women learn how to do this stuff when they are young, ?while most guys are out doing a lot of other things. ?You need to be able to make the escalation from just a little bit of flirting to a LOT.

3. ?It has to start to build some real chemistry with her.

When you think about flirting, ?do you do it just to imagine yourself talking to a woman, ?or do you want it to lead somewhere? ?My guess is that you want to have it go somewhere. ?So, ?you have to start focusing on building chemistry, ?rapport, ?and some sexual tension with her.

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