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mercredi 22 septembre 2010

Dating Guide for Men - How to Make a Woman Feel Sexually Attracted to YOU

Most men are well aware of the need to create sexual attraction with a woman, especially if they want to be more than just a woman's friend. ?After all, ?if she does not feel anything in the sexual attraction department, the chances that you have of having a relationship with her or getting intimate are practically non existent. ?Yet, ?just knowing that you have to create sexual attraction with a woman is not enough. ?You also have to know what steps to take.

Here's how to make a woman sexually attracted to you:

1. ?Make her see you right away as being an alpha male

From the very beginning, ?she needs to look at you and see... an alpha male. ?If she looks at you and thinks you are kind of on the wimpy side, or the kind of guy that will let her walk all over you, ?then she's not going to feel the sexual vibes that she needs to feel. ?Most guys are not able to make a woman see them as an alpha male, ?and they end up being nothing more than just another guy.

2. ?You have to be able to flirt with her and not ease up.

Flirting is one of the easiest things that you can do to make a woman feel attraction for you. ?The thing is, ?you can't just flirt with her any old way. ?You have to make her feel both excited and a little on edge, ?it's the perfect combination to make her want you. ?Flirting with a woman is not just about saying a few sweet things and then smiling at her, ?you need to do more to make her fall hard for you.

3. ?You have to know when and HOW to turn up the sexual tension between you and her.

If there is no sexual tension, ?then you can bet that there will be nothing happening in the bedroom with her. ?It's kind of an art knowing when and how to turn up the sexual tension, ?because timing makes a big difference in the results that you get and the way that she responds to you.


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