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mercredi 22 septembre 2010

How To Get A Guy To Give You More Affection! 7 Tips Which Will Make Him Love You a Lot More

If you're feeling neglected by your man and need more affection from him, there are ways to go about getting it.

Don't be Too Needy

It's crucial to not come across as too needy or whiny when your aim is to get more affection from a man. This behavior is a turn off and will not work.

Make Yourself Soft and Inviting

Wear sexy and inviting materials such as cashmere and silk as much as possible. Clothing that is just sexy enough but not too revealing can really inspire some affection.

Don't neglect your skin; apply non-greasy lotion that is scented seductively. Lathering the lotion after each shower and following up with some lightly-fragranced body spray in a matching scent can really do the trick.

Initiate by Showing Him How it's Done

Sometimes men just forget about showing affection and need a reminder of how it's done.

Grab his hand sweetly while you are walking together, or put your head on his shoulder while you're at the movies or watching television. Get in the habit of giving him long, sexy hugs and kissing him frequently. Adding these simple actions to your daily routine with him can eventually make him reciprocate the affection without any prompting from you.

Do Something Nice for Him to Inspire Affection

You're likely to get him to think about showing his love to you more often by doing something very nice for him.

Get his car washed and detailed, organize his things, cook him a nice meal, have his work clothes dry cleaned, or do whatever kind and helpful act you can think of. Pick something that he will be very grateful for and he's likely to be reminded of how much he loves you and therefore show it by being affectionate.

Tell Him Simply and Maturely

It may be necessary to simply tell your man that you need him to be more affectionate. Keep the conversation simple and be straight-forward.

As mentioned already, don't whine and makes sure you speak to him with maturity and honesty.

Remind Him of What He Has

You can remind your man of what a catch you are and how much you deserve attention if you lightly flirt with someone else in front of him or do some other similar action to make him slightly jealous.

Be extra careful not to go overboard with this or it will backfire on you. Use the jealousy option with caution!

Make Him Miss You

Some time apart can make him miss you and crave you.

Take any business trip opportunity that is offered to you, or arrange a fun weekend getaway with your girlfriends. The longer you are apart, the more likely he is to show you some warm and affection when you return to him.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

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