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mercredi 22 septembre 2010

7 Indicators That He's Falling Head Over Heels For You! You Will Be Absolutely Sure About It Now

It can seem confusing to figure out how that special guy feels about you, but you can definitely do it with some patience and persistence.

Here's how you can tell if his feelings for you are deep and he's fallen in love:

He Suddenly Acts Cold Towards You

It doesn't make sense, but it's something many guys do when they realize they are emotionally attached to a woman. Being in love can really scare a man to death. Because of this, some men are likely to withdraw a bit and act cold towards you.

Don't worry, this usually doesn't last long. He's only going through this phase because he's scared that you don't feel the same way or that you will end up hurting him eventually.

He Tries Hard to Impress Your Family Members

Does he seem preoccupied with winning over your family members and forging relationships with them? This is definitely a sign that he has fallen for you hard.

He's started thinking about the two of you in a very long-term way, and therefore he wants to insure smooth sailing as much as possible in your relationship. Making sure he has a drama-free relationship with your side of the family is a great way to do that.

He is Asking You a Lot of Questions

The harder he feels himself falling for you, the more information he'll want to gather.

Pay attention and watch for any increase in the interest he shows towards your daily life and/or your past.

He Starts Marking His Territory

A guy who is falling in love with you might start to exhibit classic male territory-marking behavior. He'll want to make sure that other men know that you are spoken for.

Since he's now fallen for you, he also has a great threat of losing you. This might mean that he acts overly possessive and jealous.

He Cleans Obsessively Before You Come Over

It may be impossible to actually know that answer to this for certain, but if his place is spotless every time you come over, there's a decent chance that he's putting all that effort in just for you.

When a man is falling for a woman, he tends to put excessive time and energy into making sure that he and his living space are as well-groomed as possible.

Analyze His Tone of Voice

The tone of voice he uses to speak to you can tell you a lot. If it seems that he is talking to you in a softer and/or slower tone, it's probably not just in your imagination.

Subconsciously, his emotions are having a strong effect on his motor skills and this can cause a kinder, gentler verbal approach to you.

He Mentions Moving in Together

It's not completely natural for men to love the idea of cohabiting, so if he brings it up and expresses a desire to live with you then it absolutely points towards the fact that he's in love.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here


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