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samedi 25 septembre 2010

Do You Want to Win His Heart? 7 Easiest Tricks You Can Use to Win a Man's Heart Real Fast

First things first: men chase, women catch. Yes, men love to chase and hunt, and this is especially true for single men who are in that stage in their lives when they are thoroughly enjoying their bachelorhood. So if single men are supposed to do the chasing, how on earth do you catch one? Follow these tips to learn everything you need to learn...

Be a woman.
Being a woman is quite different from being just a girl and being simply female. A woman who is attractive to a man is soft and fragile-looking on the outside but tough as nails on the inside.

Practice good hygiene and habits.
This might sound like feeble advice but it is one of the foundations for looking and feeling good. Spend time thoroughly cleaning your hair and nails and teeth and skin. Don't allow yourself to look dreadful. Eat healthy, exercise.

Choose your clothes well.
You don't have to have a closet full of designer clothes, you only need to have clean crisp outfits, and they should fit you perfectly. Choose cuts that become you and make sure the clothes you wear are appropriate for the occasion.

Throw away any excess baggage.
What kind of man do you think would win your heart: a grumpy guy who carries the world on his shoulders, or a guy who is emotionally in control and is not weighed down by unnecessary pressures? In the same way, if you want to win a man's heart, then try not to be too stiff and miserable.

Live a full life.
As they say, live each day like it's the last. It's not that you're going to eat, drink and be merry; it's a matter of appreciating life every day. Set aside some time to do the things you like to do. Smile. Laugh. Enjoy. A positive and happy attitude is more attractive than a sad, depressed disposition.

Be independent and productive.
If you want to win a single man's heart, then don't be a damsel in distress who is in desperate need to be rescued. Instead, be a damsel in distress who figures out a way down the tower on your own.

You need to keep on learning and growing and "bearing fruit". Maintain your individuality and be proud of who you are.

Let him do the chasing.
Don't be too eager to make a catch. Instead of actively trying to win his heart, take your time and let the guy work to win YOUR heart.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here


How to Flirt With a Woman and Make Her Want YOU - 3 Flirting Tips For Guys

Do you ever feel uncomfortable and kind of out of your element when flirting with a woman? ?Well, ?if you answered yes, ?then you are in the company of most single guys out there. ?Even though it seems like a small thing, ?not knowing how to flirt with a woman the right way can defeat your chances of making the right woman want you.?

Imagine you see the perfect woman and you finally get up the nerve to talk to her. ?And when you do, ?nothing seems to be coming out right. ?You start to get more and more uncomfortable and next thing you know, ?she is making a clean get away. ?You blew it!

Of course, ?if you were able to flirt with her the RIGHT way, ?the whole scene could have played out completely different.

Here are 3 flirting tips for guys that will change the way women respond to you and make a woman want YOU:

1. ?Women want to have fun when flirting with a guy, ?so make it FUN for her.

There's no point in getting all stressed out about flirting with a woman, ?because the whole point is to have a fun time. ?If you are feeling uncomfortable, ?then there is a really good chance that she is feeling the same way. ?And it is only human nature for her to want to get away from that feeling, ?and to do that, ?she has to get away from YOU. ?You don't want to make a woman feel that way, do you?

2. ?To make her really want you, ?you have to be able to go from flirting just a little bit to flirting a lot with her.

Most guys can do a little bit of flirting here and there, ?but they cannot do it for a prolonged amount of time. ?Look, ?women learn how to do this stuff when they are young, ?while most guys are out doing a lot of other things. ?You need to be able to make the escalation from just a little bit of flirting to a LOT.

3. ?It has to start to build some real chemistry with her.

When you think about flirting, ?do you do it just to imagine yourself talking to a woman, ?or do you want it to lead somewhere? ?My guess is that you want to have it go somewhere. ?So, ?you have to start focusing on building chemistry, ?rapport, ?and some sexual tension with her.

vendredi 24 septembre 2010

How to Have Confidence With Women - 3 Must Know Tips When Meeting and Dating Women

If only you could have all of the confidence in the world, ?you would be able to approach and meet any woman that you wanted to, ?right? ?Most guys lack confidence when it comes to women, ?especially when a woman is incredibly good looking. ?You might be wondering what you can do to build up your confidence when you are around women so that you can become a lot more successful at meeting and dating women.

Here are 3 tips on how to have confidence with women:

1. ?Realize that there's nothing that makes a good looking woman better than you.

One of the reasons why most guys lack confidence around a woman is because they assume that they are not in the same league as a woman who is very good looking. ?This is the classic idea of putting a woman up on a pedestal, ?and even guys that say they understand not to do this, ?they will do it when the woman is really beautiful. ?However, ?all that is going to do is make you get all nervous when you are around a woman.

2. ?Gain some experience being around good looking women.

You cannot expect to have a lot of confidence around good looking women if you are not used to the experience, ?can you? ?I mean, ?you have to gain some experience at anything in order to be comfortable and confident, ?so why would it be any different when it comes to women? ?The more you become used to being around attractive females, ?the more it will end up being no big deal to you, ?and you WILL have confidence.

3. ?Discover what women respond to.

Wouldn't you be confident if you already knew what it was that would make a woman respond to you? ? A lot of the insecurities that men have around women is because they are not really sure what they should be doing, ?and what they should be saying. ?When you already have an idea on what makes a woman feel attraction, ?then you will have nothing to worry about, ?and that in itself will make you a LOT more confident.

View the original article here

Tips on How to Approach Women - 3 Ways to Make Women Respond to YOU

Nothing could be worse than to see a woman that totally makes your knees buckle, and not have the guts to make a move and approach her. Yet, this experience seems to happen a LOT for most guys, and if you find this happening to you, you might be interested in finding out how to get past this issue and approach women with confidence and know how to make a woman respond favorably to you.

Anxiety about approaching a woman is actually really common amongst guys, even those that never have anxiety about any other things in their lives. So, it's okay to feel as though you could use a little help in this area of your life.

Here are 3 tips on how to approach women and make them respond to YOU:

1. Walk with confidence when you make your approach.

Walking up to a woman can take a lot of guts, so you need to make sure that your body language reflects that. If you look like you are unconfident in yourself, then you are not going to make the kind of impression that WOWs a woman and makes her want to get to know you. Body language plays a BIG role in human attraction, and displaying the right body language can make a world of difference in the way that women respond to you.

2. Be friendly and smile.

Some guys like to try the tough guy approach or the cool guy approach when they walk up to a woman. Most of the time, this is not really going to make her want to open up to you. A more effective solution is to just be friendly and smile. The more relaxed you can make a woman feel when you approach her, the more you will end up being successful at making women want to have you approach them.

3. Have some way of building rapport with her.

When you approach a woman, you want to build rapport with her right away. The quicker you can do this, the quicker you can get on to bigger and better things. You have to try and make a real connection so that she feels as though she has just a met a guy that is worth getting to know a little more. Using fake lines and fake routines does not usually do the trick, so you want to develop your own style, an authentic approach.


How Do I Know If He Likes Me in the Physical Department? These Points Will Make Everything Clear

There are men who put their hearts on their sleeve but there are some who don a poker face all the time that it can be quite difficult to know exactly what's going on inside their heads. But either way, there are always signs that show when a guy is attracted to you. See if he is exhibiting the following signs:

He can't stop looking at you.
Hard as he may try, he won't be able to keep his eyes off of you. If he likes you, he will either stare at you directly or take casual glances your way. He might look away when you turn his way but he will always look.

He tries to catch you on your own.
Ever wonder why you seem to bump onto him a lot? It could be that it's no accident, he just might be trying to find a chance to approach you, get into casual conversation, to break the ice.

He preens.
When you're around, he becomes pretty conscious about the way he looks or carries himself. He might brush his hair back with his fingers or tousle it a bit, straighten his tie, pull his shoulders back, the works. He becomes a peacock displaying his tail feathers.

His body speaks.
If he's interested, he will position his body or body parts towards you. His body or feet will be facing your direction. He might also subconsciously copy or mirror your movements, a sign that he likes you.

He displays some form of machismo.
Sometimes, in an attempt to be impressive, a guy will make some kind of display of his skills. He might spar playfully with a friend, or talk a bit more loudly, or do some difficult dance moves. This is another way of trying to make an impression, of showing that he is worthy of your attention.

He tries to block the room from you.
If he does get the chance to be close to you or talk to you, he will use his body to block the room from you, something like protecting his quarry from other "predators".

He tries to enter the boundaries of your personal space.
When a guy is attracted to you physically, he will try to get as close as he can, as much as you would let him. He will enter (or try to enter) your personal space and try to brush against your skin or touch your hair.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

I Fear That He Might Never Commit! 7 Ways to Know If He Will Ever Commit to You Or Not

Are you worried that the guy you're dating right now is just keeping you around until the next best thing comes along? For most women, it's their ultimate dream to spend their lifetime with that one guy that would stay for good. If you don't want to gamble all the prime years of your life, why don't you take a careful look at these foolproof signs that he's never going to commit?

He's mostly around where there's sex involved.

Carefully assess all of those times that you went out with him. Did it involve a lot of bedroom encounters? Then it's possible that he's just sticking around for the free sex. If he can't be found where decent dating is involved, then this man isn't the type who'll settle down.

He's okay with his comfort zone.

He doesn't want to move your relationship into a different level. For him, it's alright to just linger around and have fun while you're at it.

You never hear him discuss about your future as a couple.

Try to bring up the topic of commitment or marriage and this guy automatically deviates from the conversation! A guy who is never going to commit would never mention topics that involve long-term obligations.

He has an excuse for everything.

You may have a ledger full of his broken promises. This guy is surely not the type who'd settle because he doesn't even care enough to make you happy by keeping his word.

He's not ashamed to borrow money from you.

Don't you just feel like you're his sugar mommy? Even if you're head over heels in love with this guy, there's no point in ignoring the fact that he's just using you and you'll never hear him propose to you or anything.

He still looks at other women.

Try going out with him in public and see how his eyes would wonder to that gorgeous woman right across the room! There's just no decency with this man as he doesn't care how you'd feel as he checks out all the female species that he sees.

You feel no passion in him.

He's just not your knight in shining armor or your dream guy. You would never expect him to open doors for you, pull out chairs, listen to you, or even respect you as a woman. To this guy, you're nothing so there's no point in doing these things.

Once you see any one of these signs, it's time wise to let go of the man and seek a better partner elsewhere!

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

Dating Numerous Women At The Same Time

For most guys, variety is the spice of life, right? And dating several women simultaneously is somewhat of a great accomplishment, just ask any man! Is the male species capable of monogamy or are they programmed at birth to be naturally promiscuous?

It's evident that some women are also active players much like their male counterparts. However on the flip side, the majority of women seek long lasting romance with just one man whereby marriage and family is her main objective, but this idealistic outcome is hard to find these days!

Let's not right the men off completely, there are wholesome and loyal men amongst us but they are a scarce find. The bar hopping singles scene is no more than a meat market, therefore, dating sites have become the new 'go to' option for serious singles. When browsing online dating sites and singles profiles, you are granted a sneak peek into the minds of potential dates based on their dating profiles allowing you to assess whether they might be players or the real deal.

Casual sex has its advantages and disadvantages, many of them are obvious...


You make the shots.
You become resistant to her little manipulations and obscured threats because, you have a backup plan are are not afraid of losing here. There is no need to deal with all her nonsense because you have a plan B. If she knows that her man is willing to walk away she will make a concerted effort to go the extra mile and give him what he wants.

You become a challenge.
Given that you are in a position to be able to brush aside a woman and are not desperate for company makes you a great challenge.

Sex on tap.
Plainly, with umpteen women, you have sex available any time you please. And for many guys, that is the best advantage of all.


Time consuming.
Dating and romancing just one woman as a regular partner will take up a lot of time, so can you imagine how much time dating two or three at once would take? Not only is it time consuming, it's clearly a lot of work! Then you need to constantly watch your back and cover your tracks to make sure you don't run into your other mistress while on a date.

Making two or three women feel special all the time can be a very expensive exercise. When you take into account dinners, lunches, hotels and motels, your credit card isn't the only thing getting a vigorous work out.

You might lose your favorite girl!
There is every chance you will start to develop stronger feelings for one lady ahead of the other, and you risk losing her if she finds out about your indiscretions, you scoundrel!

Be mindful not to spread an STD if you are sleeping around. Try to consider the consequences you could inflict if you spread it around. Holy-dooly!

Catch Him and Keep Him Review - Discover Christian Carter's Dating Secrets

Christian Carter's Catch Him and Keep Him is a book that I strongly recommend for every woman who has been in a relationship with a man who just isn't as committed as she is? Ever been in a situation where you end up sleeping with a guy too early on only to find out in the morning that he's disappeared from your life? Then I strongly recommend that you read this book. Continue reading this Catch Him and Keep Him review for more details and information.

Turning to your girlfriends for advice during the hard times in a relationship just isn't enough anymore. Your girlfriends will probably tell you that it's not your fault and that he's total jerk for breaking up with you. But the truth is, and this may be really hard to come to terms with, it is highly likely that it is your fault. And why is that? Well, it's because you were probably doing the same old techniques that you've always thought worked when it comes to capturing a man's heart. That's where you're mistaken and that's where Catch Him and Keep Him will help you.

To really understand men and use that understanding to attract them and make them fall in love you is what Catch Him and Keep Him seeks to help you with. The book points out how women make the same mistakes repeatedly and the majority of the time they have no idea they are committing grave mistakes when it comes to attracting men. Looking needy and desperate is at the top of that list of mistakes. If you want men to run far away from you as possible, then giving them the impression that you're desperate is the way to do it.

Catch Him and Keep Him contains a lot of insights and thoughts about men that will definitely open up your eyes and change the way you interact with men if you want to captivate them. This book is also filled with surprises that will take you on one bumpy ride so be ready and buckle your seatbelt. It's not all smooth sailing.

If you've been in a relationship with a man for quite some time now but can't seem to find the right moment to bring up the issue on commitment and taking your relationship a step forward, then I suggest that you grab a copy of Catch Him And Keep Him because it shows you just how to bring those issues up and in a way that he'll actually end up listening to what you have to say.

Some of the things that you will discover Christian Carter's Catch Him and Keep Him are:

- The secrets that men have that they wish you knew but just can't find a way to tell you.
- The reasons why men find some women attractive but not others.
- What successful couples have that makes their relationships last a lifetime.

Catch Him and Keep Him doesn't just tell you that men and women are different because we all know that. Instead this book will tell you what those differences are and then take you on a journey to discover how men think about certain issues like relationships, commitment and love.

So, if you're tired and frustrated about not meeting the right man and constantly getting your heart broken in relationships, then I suggest that you grab a copy of Christian Carter's Catch Him and Keep Him.

jeudi 23 septembre 2010

Finding Healthy Dating Relationships - How to Squash Approach Anxiety

Finding healthy dating relationships almost certainly requires you to overcome approach anxiety. Think about it, approach anxiety leaves you with fewer options because you're not creating them by meeting new dates. This is the number one reason why people end up settling into undesirable and even unhealthy dating relationships. In fact, some men are so afraid of approach that they're also afraid to commit to long term relationships because of the fear that they might be "missing something better" because they never learned to approach and explore their options.

The good news is that approach anxiety is not a natural fear, it's a learned fear. Anything that can be learned can be unlearned; it's simply a matter of knowing how....

What Causes Approach Anxiety?

I've heard all the silly explanations for why we have approach anxiety, but having a background in sales, I've learned that the reason people fear approaching people is because they fear rejection. Fear of rejection, just like approach anxiety, is a learned fear and believe it or not, most people TRAIN themselves to fear rejection by making it a goal to get someone to say yes. This applies in sales and it applies in dating, here's why...

Imagine yourself running East, what are you running away from? That's right, you're running from West. There's no way to run in both directions at once, and the faster you run in one direction the faster you run away from the other. Now, take that same logic and apply it to rejection and acceptance, the two are just as opposite as East and West.

The problem is that if you make it a goal to approach someone and to get them to give you their phone number or say yes to a date, you're automatically making it your goal to avoid rejection. So you're sending your brain and nervous system mixed messages and trying to get it to run East and West at the same time. Think about it, the first message you're giving it is: "Our goal is to avoid rejection and get a yes." and the other message is: "The goal is to not be afraid of rejection."

This is where the anxiety sets in, your brain is being told to not fear rejection, yet it's being encouraged to avoid it. Avoidance breeds fear, yet your trying to fight that fear at the same time. Naturally, this creates tension in your nervous system just like you can create tension in a string by pulling it in two different directions.

So how do you create harmony and train yourself to not fear rejection?

Going Toe to Toe With Rejection

If avoidance breeds fear, confrontation erases it. Think about it, how do you overcome any other kind of fear? Not by running away, that's for sure. You meet it head on and you do it ON PURPOSE. The on purpose part is key, and if you make it a definite goal to face rejection and ridicule, your fear of rejection will make its departure. To go toe to toe with fear or rejection, start approaching at least one person (male or female) a day with a request that's 100% certain to invite rejection and even ridicule.

I've found that businesses are a great place to do this. For example, ask your dry cleaner if they sell exercise bikes, or go into a McDonald's and order a Whopper (that one's fun). Walk into a bookstore and ask where their lingerie section is. Yes, it's stupid and people will think you're weird and you'll FEEL weird about it. That's the whole point, confronting the experience of social anxiety and inviting rejection.

The more you do this, the more familiar those awkward feelings will become and the less anxiety they'll cause you. You don't have to have a pleasant experience with something to become comfortable with it, you just have to have the experience enough times to build familiarity. Think about it, people become comfortable with awkward and even uncomfortable things all the time simply because they're familiar. Think of the child who grows up around domestic violence and ends up in a similar situation when they get married.

Familiarity drives out fear, so get familiar with the feeling of rejection and pretty soon the fear of it will no longer hold you back.

3 Ways to Start Communicating With Your Dream Girl

It is very amazing that some boys can easily communicate with their dream girls but some can't do this so easily. You may think that you have no ability to communicate with your dream girl and just blame your luck for this. It is very painful and you will glad to know that you have also the ability to communicate with the girl you like most. Simply read carefully the followings tips to communicate your reverie girl.

In the first step it is important to know enough information about your reverie girl. So try to collect information about the girl. You will gather the information about the field of interest of the girl by which you can communicate her well.

In the next steps you should try to get closer to your nightmare girl whom you want to communicate. You can help her by providing any important information that are important for the girl. Use your knowledge to make the girl happy. Offer her in her interested fields like tea, coffee, movie, travel, drive, swimming, shopping etc. Provide various gifts to your nightmare girl that she like most.

After that you should try to create tour importance to the girl. You can make her assure that you are totally not harmful for her and very helpful to her. In this time the girl will realize that you are perfect person to be her good friend. She consider you as her well-wisher and permit you to communicate with her. Your nightmare girl will be interested to communicate with you everyday. Then it is your duty to keep her in touch as she does not leave you.

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Is It True That No Matter How Much You Like a Guy You Should Never Chase Him? Follow This

There are many reasons as to why you should not chase a guy. However, there are instances where doing the chasing does help! If you read the following tips you will see that not chasing a guy could help you to land him better!

It keeps him curious about you
If you stay aloof and refuse to show him that you are as interested in him as he is in you, then it will keep him curious and even more attracted to you. He will want to prove his friends wrong when they tell him that he doesn't have a chance with you! He will want to pursue you and make you change your mind.

Chase him in a subtle manner
If you simply adore him and think that playing "too cool" might make you lose him altogether, then do the chasing - but subtly and in such a manner that he is not aware of the fact. Find out stuff about him. Arrange to be at places where he is sure to turn up and wow him with your stunning look!

Don't deprive him of the challenge of a good chase
Have you forgotten than most men love and adore a good chase? If makes them feel like the ultimate successful guy who gets what he wants. All you have to do is keep him interested and attracted to you in every way you can and he will love to do all the chasing.

It would make you look desperate
Look at it this way - if you did all the chasing and it is evident that you are pursuing him like crazy - it will make him a tad embarrassed and on top of it he is going to see you as a needy and desperate woman. This may unfortunately make him lose interest in you and head in the opposite direction!

You could look insecure
All that chasing will make you look insecure as well. It will tell him things about you. For example it might make you look like a woman who finds it hard to get men to chase her and thus has to do all the desperate chasing, or it may look like you are a fast and cheap type of woman who chases all men!

Show him you are interested in a different manner
It is okay to show him that you are interested in him as long as it does not give him a bad opinion of you. Flirt a bit and smile a lot at him. He will feel flattered that you have singled him out from the rest and before you know it - he will start to chase you.

The more aloof you are the more attracted he will be
Playing hard to get has always been a great way to get a man to chase you. He will be motivated to charm and impress you. By not chasing him yourself, you will encourage him to do all he can to make you succumb to his charms. He will try to get you to see that he is an excellent catch!

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

How to Attract the Sweet Asian Woman

Ways to Attract Asian Women

Asian women are usually stereotyped as being prostitutes, geishas, peasants etc. In short, low class individuals. This is because of how they are portrayed in movies and partly because of the rampant issues of prostitution all over Asia.

But Asian women are found to be the most unique and classic among all. They exude the true meaning of beauty regardless of their color and race.

Now how can you attract an Asian woman? Women in general has this common weakness, it is being pampered. But to get to know Asian women better, you have to take time and effort to learn their culture.

People in Asia have so many beliefs and practices, you may want to learn the ropes and be able to find an easier way to their hearts.

Now where can you find these wonderful and beautiful women of Asia? Why not try going in places like Asian restaurants where you will most likely find a lot.

If you find yourself already bloated with Asian foods for coming over their restaurants every day, then you can try checking out dance clubs or events where beautiful Asian women performs.

These events are mostly part of a cultural celebration; these are held in provinces or small towns. This is also the best time for you to deeply understand their culture by participating in the event.

One funny way to approach beautiful Asian women is in a grocery store. Asians are typically hospitable and very helpful. Find a way to seem lost and confused around the grocery store, and ask help. Having a chance to start a conversation is the hardest, this way; you will have lesser pressure and stress.

Learning their culture is quite a sensitive part of the "getting to know "stage. Some women wouldn't be comfortable right away on disclosing their nationality, if this is the case, you must be very careful on your statements or comments, you might end up offending them unintentionally.

Getting to know Asian women or any women from any race, you have to always remember that you have to show genuine sincerity in your words and be truthful in your actions at all times. Every woman deserves equal respect and fair treatment. If you are just after having fun and playing around, I strongly suggest that you refrain from doing so.

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Attracting Younger Women - The Best How To Guide

When it's younger, it's different...

We all grow old and age and we feel inadequate at times because of this. But does it mean that we can no longer date or have a relationship with younger women? I don't think so!

If you are that guy who's in a dilemma of dating younger women, then you must be lucky to stumble over this article.

How to approach women of the younger generation

Women of the younger generation think differently and have a very different lifestyle. They can don't pressure themselves much about commitments, and they are not looking for much certainty unlike older women.

But like older women, the mystery and the thrill are still some of the things they want in men. The younger they are the easier and faster they get bored. But if you give them something to ponder on, something that they are unsure of about you, then they will be looking forward to seeing you more.

Being older, you should know that you have an advantage. Younger women looks for maturity and strength, they are surely attracted to it! But don't be too stiff and upright, remember these are young women, they want fun! You should also know that in learning these adjustments, you will have an opportunity to revive your youthful personality traits and be able to provide the best of both worlds - being young and being mature.

To start with this, try engaging and inviting her to adventurous activities, where you both will have fun. Just make sure you are in it completely, you might wake up the next morning with muscle sores and back pains!

Women are competitive in nature as well, once they see competition, they right away grab hold of you. Isn't that what you want? Now how can you pose an image that you are of high social value? Try going out other young women, when they see this, they would feel outwitted and would initiate some moves.

The game plan

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

How to Use Your Sexuality to Get a Man? Here Is How You Can Easily Tempt Him Into Wanting You

Using your sexuality to create a sexual tension helps immensely when you want to get a man. Using your sexuality helps in creating chemistry which in the end helps you get the man you like. Here is how you can use your sexuality to get a man that you like.

The way you look
The way you look carries a lot of importance when you want to attract a man with your sexuality. Look at ways of enhancing your sexuality by wearing clothes that fit you perfectly and make heads turn. Revealing too much is not a good way to attract a man sexually. Instead highlight your best assets, either your legs or your d?colletage and attract a man.

The walk you walk
When you walk you have to have the walk of purpose. Your walk should be the perfect amalgamation of a runway strut and a casual stroll. Wear high vertiginous heels and emphasize your sexuality further and attract a man.

Teasing him
When you get talking to a man use a warm and sultry tone. There is nothing more putting off than a shrill high pitched woman. Once you get talking create a sexual tension by teasing your man. Identify some weak point that he has and then tease him about it.

A cutting sense of humor
Have a cutting sense of humor when you want to use your sexuality to get a man. A woman with a sense of humor is intensely sexy to a man. Make him see that you are out to have some fun and take the edge off the seriousness.

Contradicting him
Contradict a man to reenergize the sexual energy. This will show him that you are a secure and independent minded woman. Lean in towards him when you are making a point and that will help you use your sexuality optimally.

Being detached
Make him see that you are not looking for his approval. Show him that you know your mind and he might say what he wants but your feathers will not be ruffled. Your man will want you more when you smile through everything and make it seem that nothing else matters.

Ask the right questions
Ask your man the right questions the right way. That will keep your man interested in you and will also keep him focused on your sexuality. Lean into him when you talk, touch his hand or sit strategically so that his leg brushes against yours. Doing all this will build on the sexual energy and will help you get your man.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Why Would a Guy Lose Interest In You All of a Sudden?

Ponder deep within yourself. Sometimes it happens that, you as a person has changed during the course of your relationship with the guy. You may not be the same girl for whom the guy fell for and over time your changed temperament might lead to him losing interest in you.

Are you no longer enigmatic?
Guys drool over women who have an element of mystery surrounding them. You must have been an unknown soul for him when you guys started off. This kept him coming back to you. Of late if you are way too predictable to him, he will definitely avoid you. Just keep that mystery about yourself alive, and your man will never leave you.

Do you succumb to his every demand?
Men like fanning their male ego and sometimes they do expect women to agree to them. However, men love extremely independent and confident women as well. If you are accepting to his demands constantly then you will lose his respect and interest too.

Are you a complaint box?
A man loathes a woman who nags at petty things and who is always ready to fight at frivolous issues. If you two are always fighting and not having fun, then he is sure to detest you.

Do you keep on talking about commitment?
If you are ringing those wedding bells a way too soon as well as are talking about babies soon after a few dates sure the guy will run away from you to save his luck.

Are you clinging on to him?
All of a sudden if you cling on to him for every little thing and act as one needy lady who is no longer the independent and liberated woman he once met, then you are inviting trouble for sure. As said earlier men like confident women with oodles of self-respect, if you lose it, you will lose him as well in no time.

Not giving him enough space?
Do let your man enjoy his own sweet time with his guy friends. This will give him enough space to unwind with his pals and surely he will look after to meeting you otherwise staying all the time with him will make you boring for him.

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Why Do Guys Stop Liking Me After a While?

Are you being way too predictable?

Men are intrigued by mysterious and enigmatic women not by the ones who are way too predictable to them. The entire idea of being with a woman who has a mystery engulfing her is attracting for men. Otherwise you are probably being very boring to him.

Are you just a call away all the time?

If you are in your man's presence almost 24*7 then probably after a time they will start disliking your company. Give him his own space where he can be himself with his pals and he will definitely catch on to you to check about your whereabouts later.

Are you "say it all" type of girl?

If you are a girl who has told her man almost everything about herself in order to gain his trust, then sure this will work well in the initial phase, but later on the guy will be potentially bored. Nothing will be left for him to discover in you and your relation might be tumbling down the hill.

Stop Emasculating

Men do like confident and independent women, but if you start to emasculate them, then it is the biggest mistake you are committing. By this you are giving him a message that you are just hanging around him for just spending time and you don't need him in reality.

Are you a complaint box?

A man loathes a woman who nags at petty things and who is always ready to fight at frivolous issues. If you two are always fighting and not having fun, then he is sure to detest you.

Do you keep on talking about commitment?

If you are ringing those wedding bells a way too soon as well as are talking about babies soon after a few dates sure the guy will run away from you to save his luck. Men do not like to talk about commitment soon, give him time in this matter. Sticking on to the commitment bandwagon will make your man lose interest in you soon.

Are you a control Freak?

If you try to exercise control over your man for no apparent reason, then surely they will show you the door soon. They do not like to be controlled and will never commit to a relation in which the girl is a control freak.

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Do Men Really Want a Woman Who Is Hard to Get?

Men are pursuers of women whom they like. If a man has already fancied a woman, he will definitely run after her to get her. This is the important thing women should understand; if they give in easily probably the man will think of you as easy bait and will lose interest in you soon. So girls keep the man hungry for you and he will keep chasing!

He might be testing you.
It is strange but men do like to see that for how long a woman can continue to spice up his interests. He simply loves to be kept intrigued, so the longer you keep him charmed up, the longer he will run for you.

Accomplishment boosts their ego
Men will feel at the top of the world as if they have won a trophy once they get a woman whom they chased like anything. It is like a trophy for them and fans their male ego and also gives a power high.

Men want what they can't get the easy way
It is natural for both the sexes to keep running for something want they can't get on the every first go. Men are no exception. The entire idea of a woman who is making them work hard like anything in order to get her, hold their interest. If the girl comes easy, he will be not at all amused.

Display of talent
Wooing a woman is not an easy task, more even if the girl is of elusive nature. But this is the fact that men like as while chasing a woman, they get to showcase their hidden talents of being a wooer. They like to display their abilities as charmers and are not interested in easy baits at all.

Men like subtlety
Well, men do like to chase women, but not the ones who are constantly running away from them. This will just waste their time with no apparent gain. If the woman is elusive but at the same time gives hints of her interest in a subtle way, then this will appease the man in a big way and he will keep coming back to such a woman.

Men hate competition
This is another thing by which a man will die to get a woman if there are other seekers of the same girl. Upon accomplishment, it will boost their ego to an all time high as if they have bagged a trophy desired by many.

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Why Would a Man Who Is Interested in a Woman Suddenly Turn Disinterested? This Is Why This Happens

When a man loses his interest in his woman it is not only traumatizing for the woman but it also dents her confidence. If you feel that your man who was so much in love and awe of you till recently has suddenly gone cold then there are few things that you are doing wrong. Here is what you should avoid.

You no longer attract him
When you first started seeing him you were in top shape, however, of late you have been putting on weight and are not particular about the way you dress. This has robbed him of all the visual stimulation that he was getting. Get back in shape and wear stylish clothes to reverse the situation.

He is tired of your yakking
Whenever you two are together you are the one that is doing all the talking. Well, shut up for God's sake and let him speak and you listen for a change. A monologue is always boring.

Prejudiced thinking
Why judge other people around you when you have better things to do? This is one trait that men find most irritable about some women. If you want to voice your opinion then do it without sounding condescending. However, the best the thing is to get professional help to overcome this problem.

Bring the zing back
Earlier each moment he spent with you was momentous and he looked forward to meeting you. However, as time went by and you grew in the relationship you lost your spontaneity both in the bed and out of it. Bring back the zing that made your life so fun.

Become financially independent
In these difficult times it helps if you pick up the tab from time to time. If your dates are burning a hole in his pocket then will certainly try to avoid you. Try and get a job or upgrade your skills so that you become employable. Your financial independence will once again draw him towards you.

Leave him alone
In the beginning every man wants to spend all his time with his girlfriend. However, as the newness of the relationship wears off he begins to miss his friends and buddies. Give him the freedom to hang out with his friends to unwind. You too should have a circle of close friends where you can do your girlie stuff.

Frank and honest communications
One thing men can't decipher is nagging. It is better that you tell him straight what you feel about something and then leave it at that. Constant harping and throwing tantrums creates a rift that is difficult to bridge. Instead have frank and honest discussions. However, to make a relationship successful you have to 'give' more than 'take'.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Girls Are Waiting For You, Guys - You Just Need To Go Say Hi!

As men, we have one incredible problem. We can rattle off sports statistics, we can carry a bunch of heavy stuff, we can communicate in grunts and nods alone, but there's always been one thing that most guys are terrible at.

Talking to women

And for what reason? Is the object of our desire going to flay us alive if we misstep? Is she going to grab all of her friends and ridicule you for even talking to her? Is she going to pour her drink on you?

Of course not! But for whatever reason, we always envision all of these things happening to us whenever we see a woman we find attractive. So what do we do? We mope. We order another drink. We reason that she was out of our league anyway and continue on with our lives.

You have to break out of the cycle, guys! Sure, approaching woman can be a nerve wracking experience, but guess what? They're just as nervous as you! But you know what's even crazier than that?

Woman are dying for you to approach them! Yes, you! They always complain about guys never coming to talk to them and guess what? You're that guy they want! You know why? Because you're different, you actually went up and introduced yourself. You've immediately set yourself above 99% of guys out there.

The easiest way to go meet a woman is literally walk towards her as soon as you see her. This keeps you from coming up with the million dumb excuses you make every time you see a pretty lady.

So what do you do when you get there? "Hi, I'm blank." Now you should really replace "blank" with your name, but depending on how you deliver it, even saying blank can still be a great opener.

The point is, guys, there's nothing to be afraid of. Like I said, it can be nerve wracking for the first few times you do it, but approaching women is seriously one of the easiest things in the world to do. I've never walked up to a woman when I was out that wasn't cordial. Everyone's out for the same reason: to have a good time and hopefully make new friends.

Just get out there and do it!

If your pulse starts racing just at the thought of going up to a woman while you're out, relax it's normal. You just haven't learned the right skill and haven't practiced. Click Here to discover the proven system that will line your pockets with phone numbers and leave you fighting the girls off of you with a stick

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

How To Reject Someone, Nicely

I talk a lot about dating men and how to understand them to get the man you deserve, but what if while you are pursuing, you are also the one getting pursued? What happens when someone hits on you and they suck?

Well, I always believe in politeness and giving out what you would want to get back. I am not one for ladies who are too up themselves that they cannot be civil to someone who has plucked up the nerve to ask them out respectfully.

It is hard to be rejected and we never know how many times the rejectee may have faced this particular scenario so lets look at how we can let a suitor down gently.

If you need to break up with someone then there is no need to pinpoint every single thing about them that you do not like. It serves no purpose except to be a little spiteful, which frankly might be appropriate if they were an absolute horror! But if you have been seeing someone for a short while and just decide that although they are very nice they are just not for you, the best thing is to make your reason very general and not personally about them. You could say that you are studying and don't think you would be being fair on them as you don't have sufficient time to give them.

Of course if you are doing your best to cushion the blow and they just aren't getting the message you may have to harden the delivery somewhat as clearly some people will hear only what they want to hear on these occasions.

The same applies when a man has made the long walk to you across a bar or a party. As they don't know you at all at this point a little white lie may suffice such as saying that you are already with someone else.

Do you need help understanding your boyfriend, understanding men in general, dating men and keeping them? Do you want to know how to secure an A + pedigree man and rid yourself of the Z List losers? Can you tell the difference between a prince or a prat? Do you already have the self belief, confidence and swish in your tail to insist on finding the best partner, who truly loves you...or are you ready to get some?

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

I Know He Likes Me But How Do I Make Him Say It? Do It This Way and He Will Open Up Quickly

There's this cute guy who gives you the looks and who acts like he is really interested in you. The only thing is that you he hasn't really said anything to that effect. Here are some easy ways in which to goad him to admit that he likes you.

Let him know that you would not reject his advances
It could be that he is hesitating to talk to you or show you that he likes you because he is not sure of your feelings towards him and is afraid of his advances being rejected. Once he is sure that his feelings are reciprocated he will automatically get bolder and let you know how he feels.

Be easy to get along with
He might be finding it a bit difficult to let you know that he likes you, because you intimidate him. This feeling of insecurity has to be removed. If you can show him that you are a person who is easy to get along with, is not uptight and is friendly- he will find it easier to communicate his feelings.

Help him to be relaxed and free in your company
Don't try to pressurize him into telling you how he feels. Give him time and space. Once he is relaxed and free in your company, he will naturally let you know that he cares for you. The trick is to be patient and willing to give him all the time he needs to muster up the courage to let you know how things are.

Encourage him with smiles and innuendoes
You may not realize it but because he likes you, he is looking for signs and signals that tell him that you too like him. You should encourage him by giving him extra attention, smiling at him and letting him know through subtle and broad hints that you too like him. This will make him open up.

Pretend that you might not be free for long
If he is taking too much time to tell you that he likes you, then you might have to do something drastic to push him along! Pretend that you are being pursued by other males. Enjoy the company of other male friends. Maybe the threat of being snatched away from him will prompt him to make his feelings known to you quickly.

Get a close friend to prompt him
Sometimes it helps to get a close friend to help. You could let your friend speak for you and let him know that it is a good idea if he opens up and lets you know of his feelings for you. He might be more willing to listen to your friend and will feel bolder knowing he is backed by someone else who can assure him of getting a positive response from you.

Give him an opportunity!
Have you realized that it is perhaps the fact that he has not had a chance alone with you or an opportune moment to speak of his feelings? Give him a chance to do that. Engineer a private moment for the two of you and he will most probably comply with your wishes and let you know that he likes you.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

10 Reasons Guys Don't Want To Date You

Do you find yourself getting rejected by men a lot and you are starting to wonder what you are doing so wrong that guys just don't want to date you? These ten reasons might apply to you and you may not even know it.

1. Your Presentation Sucks.

I'm all for comfortable clothes but when you are trying to get a guy or impress a guy you don't want to throw on your sweats and your extra large sweater that hangs horrible on you.

You may think you look natural, casual, and not concerned about what other people think - and that may be true - but it's not going to make a guy want to see what's under it and it may even make them not notice you as a potential partner.

I've seen guys who have literally not noticed a girl at one time and then when she changed the way she dressed at the next get together, the guy was all over her; Same person just different presentation.

2. You Wear Too Much Makeup.

I have known women that look completely different after they just wake up and after they put their makeup on. I mean they look like a brand new person and it's apparent.

You may think that you look hot but guys tend to like women who are a little more au natural in the makeup department. Let the real you out and be proud of who you are.

3. You Talk Way Too Much.

It's a woman's trait right? We talk and talk and talk. The problem is that guys like to talk too. They also like quiet once in a while.

Part of communication is listening and understanding. Practice all forms of communication when out with a guy.

4. You Complain Way Too Much.

You complain about people, things, events, and anything else you can whine about. There is only so much complaining that one person can take and to be honest it's not something that attracts people to you.

Try being more positive about things and seeing the brighter side of life.

5. You Are a Stick in The Mud.

You don't want to this because it might mess your hair and you don't want to do that because it's stupid. When people ask you to sing at karaoke you give them a look like they have gone completely mental. You don't take advantage of what life is throwing at you.

Life is meant to live! Start doing things that are out of your comfort zone and start living. You may find some fun, and men, in the process.

6. You Are Fake

I'm not talking about your hair or eyelashes; I'm talking about pretending to be something you are not. When you tell a guy that you can play a guitar just to impress him you can bet your ass he will not be too impressed with you when you don't even know how to hold his guitar when he asks you to play.

Just be honest and real and let your true self shine through.

7. You Are Really Loud

Some women talk and laugh way too loud. Whether they think they are being charming or cute I'm not sure but for the most part it's annoying. I find that many women who feel they have something to prove are like this.

Obviously you want to be yourself when trying to attract men but remember that if he can't concentrate on what you are saying because he's focusing on the people starting at the two of you then maybe you need to use your quieter voice.

8. You Try To Change Him Right From the Start

You've barely starting talking to the guy and you've already asked him if he really thinks the shirt he's wearing is appropriate. Or maybe you told him that he should eat so many of those disgusting chili dogs because they are totally unhealthy for him.

Guys will avoid you like the plague if you start to nitpick his looks, interests, clothes, or anything else that pertains to him. Let him be him and enjoy him for what he has to offer.

9. You Treat Him As If He Can't Do Anything Right

Maybe you are not nit picking everything he does but you are telling him where to go and how to do it - the right way.

He may not chew his food the way that you want him to chew his food but honestly, don't make him feel like he's an idiot over the way he chews his food. Let him be himself and chew it the way he chews it.

10. Don't Be Jealous For No Reason

You are on your first date and it's supposed to be about you two getting to know each other and showing each other your good qualities and you notice a girl, who has nothing to do with your date or you, walking by in a mini skirt and halter top. You are quick to point how inappropriate that is and how she should cover up with an attitude as if she's offended you personally.

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Why Do Guys Go Cold After the First Date! Here Is the Reason Why This Tends to Happen Often

Men generally don't lose interest in the girl after the first date unless the date was a complete disaster. However, they do tend to go a bit cold. If you are experiencing such a situation then here are some reasons why they do what they do.

The chase is over for them
Once they have taken you out on the date they no longer feel the thrill of the chase. This adrenaline pumping activity is what men love most. However, if you do not open up completely and keep some element of mystery about you then he will not go cold after the first date.

The date was a disaster
If this was the case you don't have to blame yourself as both of you have the responsibility to make it a success. Take lessons from this and plan your next dates well. Everyone goes through the ignominy of a failed date and you are no exception.

Sex happened too soon
If sex was a part of the first date or the two of you got too much physical then he is likely to go cold. He probably thinks that you are too easy. Maintain your dignity during the first few dates, you will get ample opportunity to have sex or get physical with him later on.

It was all about you
If your man has to spend all his time taking care of your whims and fancies then he will surely go cold after the first date. Please understand although he has to woo you it does not mean that you act as a diva all the time. He needs to derive enough pleasure from dating you to date you again.

Expensive date
If the first date itself burned a huge hole in his pocket then he will have to think twice before he will want to date you. Make sure that you don't allow him to splurge on you in the heat of the moment. Be wise with money even if he is spending his own. Also suggest modest places that will not cost a bomb.

Discussion of being exclusive
The first date is a bad time to talk about exclusivity. Don't pressure him to become exclusive on the first date itself. Give him some time to think over before you bring out the topic of being exclusive to each other. This kind of talk makes you appear desperate.

Deliver what you promise
Like a good salesman you have to deliver more than you promise. Do not build up his expectation so high that he will be dismayed that some of them were not met. If you by your actions had promised that he would have fun then make sure that he has loads of it. You don't have to get physical with him to do that. Just enjoy the date and make him feel that he made your day.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

How to Make Your Guy Tell You Everything? He Won't Hide Many Things From You After This Point

Women hate it when they suspect that their man is not telling them everything. What you should know is that men are not like women when it comes to "opening up". Women find it easy to bare their souls and expect their man to do the same. However, this is not so easy. You will have to make him tell you what you want to know. Here are some tactics you can use.

Don't show him that you are inquisitive
Stop being too inquisitive and nosy! If you are going to ply him with a hundred questions and force him to spill the beans - he may begin to resent it and turn even more stubborn. The best way is to pretend that you are not really that interested. Give him time and he will tell you everything.

Stop revealing everything till he responds likewise
The mistake you could be making is telling him everything about you. If he remains mum about his past and other things it just shows that he does not trust you enough. Don't bare all and become an open book. Let there be some mystery about you so that he is curious to know more. Then if he really wants to know tell him that it has to be a two way street and he should be as ready to open up as you are.

Gain his trust
Once your man trusts you with all his heart, he will think nothing of opening up and telling you everything. Prove that you are worthy of his trust. Let him fall in love with you deeply and give him reason to want to share everything with you.

Build levels of intimacy and love
Just being close physically is not enough in a relationship. You should try to bond better and become close emotionally, mentally and spiritually too. Once you build levels of intimacy and love, he will automatically want to tell you everything just as you will want him to know everything about you. This sharing will be mutual and natural.

Encourage him lovingly and patiently
Sometimes a man will find it difficult to confess, open up and discuss private and personal matters. This is when you should step in and help him by encouraging him to relax and communicate freely. You will have to be very patient and not rush him at all. Once he knows you will love him no matter what - he will tell you everything.

Explain the importance of having no secrets
Once you are able to explain the importance of honesty and having no skeletons in the cupboard or secrets from one another in order to have a successful relationship, he will be more willing to speak and communicate with you. Not only will this bring you closer but you will begin to trust each other more.

Show him that you will love him no matter what
Once your man realizes that you love him in spite of his flaws and shortcomings he will be encouraged to speak and open up. He will know that nothing he says will damage the relationship. Knowing that you sincerely love him is an important aspect to him telling you everything.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Attracting Beautiful Women in an Instant

Where to meet them and how to get them! How to attract beautiful women? There are many more questions that a man who is having problem with women.

You must day dreaming all day, thinking, "Will I ever bump into her?" and you feel afloat on cloud nine imagining that you are having a romantic picnic on the beach with her. Good grief!

You have to know how to flirt women

Wake up, and make all these real! Beautiful women are all around you, you must be blind to not see them. And you might be wondering, how can I talk to this woman? How can she notice me and like me too?

You know what, these gorgeous women are just waiting on the wing for their night and shining armor, wouldn't you want that to be you? I bet you do!

Now let's take this a notch higher and make some flirting moves.

Flirting is not just about getting a girl on a date. Most men successfully do this, but still end up shot down. So what can you do to make sure you are not going to be in the long list of those unfortunate dudes? You have to flirt with women the RIGHT way.

One basic principle in flirting with women is by knowing when you should move ahead and when to pull back. You have to know when to withhold a kiss or even physical contact and when to go for it. Everything has its right timing that is what you should know. Be sensitive enough and observant of her behavior so that you can identify the right time.

Be a man of high social value

Another secret is for you to stop thinking on how you could get the woman of your dreams and focus on how you would be presenting yourself to her. You have to have high marketability and value.

A lot of gorgeous men are also out there doing their own hunt, if you cannot compete then why even try. Make sure that when a woman notices you, it is not because of your unlikely behavior or attention getting moves, but because you are really noticeable.

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with Aldo Tate is an accomplished writer and internet marketer specializing in Human Relationships,blogging,and affiliate marketing. See more of Aldo's work at Save Your Marriage.

Romantic Dating Outings

One idea is to take some spare time and case your local town or city. Find a nice park with beautiful, natural surroundings. Search for a bench. If the area traffic is light, leave a small gift or a love letter in a hidden place (within reach if possible) before picking your date up. After your 'typical' dinner, take her to the park as a spontanious change of pace. Sit down and act like something caught your eye. Tell your date to pick it up.

Another idea is to visit the place the two of you first met. Have your date night at the place you had your first date. Follow it up with the place you two first kissed. And keep going to the different places that holds history of 'firsts' in your relationship. Show your date that everything that has happened in the past to lead to your current level means a lot to you.

A trip together to the beach or a lake is an old time favorite romantic outing. Walk along the shore holding hands or just holding each other. East coasters should go early to watch the sunrise and West coasters or Gulf locations should stay late and watch the sunset.

You can create a date at home to be romantic. Tell your date to dress to impress. Set your table with candles and the finest dinnerware you have. You can cook your date's favorite meal or have take-out from your date's favorite restaurant. Set the meal in your own finest dishes. Set your furniture aside to make an open dance floor with a mix of romantic, slow dancing songs playing. Use your computer for the music so you can play as long a song list as desired.

Another dating at home is to pretend you are a married couple (if you are not already), buy some preps and ingredients for a meal that you two will cook together. Later, lay on the sofa together and watch TV or movies.

There are many other types of romantic dates such as the old 'treasure hunt' date where your date follows clues to find you, the Drive-in movie wherever you can find one these days, the elegant restaurant date and several others. A most romantic date can come from your own imagination.

How Do I Know His True Intentions When It Comes to Commitment? Learn If He Will Ever Commit Or Not

People who are in love are the blindest people on the planet. This is why even the most obvious signs of non-committal are often ignored (mostly by women). Majority of men are pretty straightforward when it comes to commitment but women linger long enough to waste their lives just to wait for this guy to change his ways and to finally realize that he has to commit.

But will you wait for this to happen or will you be honest with yourself now? Here are the signs that he's never going to commit to you:

He says the guy who'll marry you will be a lucky one.

This pretty much implies that he isn't the one. When he says you're the prettiest girl there is and that you're too wonderful yet he won't even be serious enough to give you something you can hold on to, then don't even hope that he'll change.

He doesn't involve you in any of his decision-making.

Why would he in the first place? Since you're not someone that he's taking seriously, then there's no need to share such important matters with you.

He has other priorities ahead of you.

This means you're not his number one. Whether he's concentrating on his career or his favorite hobby, this guy bluntly displays that you're clearly not his main concern at the moment.

He still mentions his ex.

You would be able to tell that it's impossible for him to commit if he still keeps on mentioning his ex. Whether it's his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife, it really doesn't matter. The mere mention of the past girl's name means he's not ready to move on.

He admits that he doesn't believe in commitments.

He may state some garbage like "I just want us to have fun." It's best to come to your senses once you hear this. He will never commit - period.

He doesn't treat you lovingly.

A man who believes that what you both have is important should treat you with respect and love all the time. The absence of these virtues means there's a slim chance that he'll take you seriously.

He says I love you but his actions are far from this statement.

He might get angry when you say you're not ready to have sex or he just won't appear on a date that he himself set! There's no telling what disrespectful acts this guy can do to you so wake up.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning psychological trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page right now- Click Here

Have The Relationship You Want Review - Rori Raye's Guide To Transforming Relationships Overnight

Have The Relationship You Want is a must-read for all women out there who have grown tired of investing a lot into a relationship but just aren't getting what they expect out of it. If you are one of those women then Rori Raye's book holds the answers to the problems that you've been having in your relationship.

Have The Relationship You Want was specifically written by a woman and it is meant for all the women out there who are just looking for that one special relationship that they've always dreamed of. This book gives women a chance to change their relationships into successful and intimate ones practically overnight.

The author herself went through a series of hurtful relationships in the past just like a lot of women out there. These heartbreaks and disappointments are reasons that gave her the determination to figure out just what men really wanted in a relationship. But not all of the techniques she offers in her books are purely based on her personal experiences. She is also a seminar leader, relationship coach and crisis counselor among other things. Where relationships are concerned she most definitely knows what how to deal with it.

Have The Relationship You Want will teach you how you can make use of your innate feminine power over your man that'll result in him wanting to commit to your relationship forever. If you're single, this book will be your guide into capturing a man's heart in such a way that he'll be hopelessly in love with you.

If you're married but are having marriage problems then you will discover ways to revolutionize the way your marriage is practically overnight. How great would it be if your husband were to suddenly become the man he used to be back when you first started your relationship? Ever want him to start courting you like he used to back then? In Have The Relationship You Want you will learn exactly how to do that in order to bring back the spice in your love life.

How wonderful would it be if your man started treating you like a princess? Well, with Rori Raye's book, you will learn the technique of using what you know about men in order to make them treat just like that.

Rori Raye herself has tried and tested the methods she has graciously shared in Have The Relationship You Want and she is now in a great relationship. With Have The Relationship You Want, she offers you a chance to be able to write your very own love story as well.

In Have The Relationship You Want, you will discover the powerful secret that lies within you. Tap into that dormant energy and you will have what it takes to really get a man to commit into a relationship with you forever.

Amongst the many other topics that you will learn are what men really think about relationships and love. Have The Relationship You Want also offers a table of words that you need to say in specific situations that'll make your man want to listen to everything that you have to say.

For a very affordable price of $19.97, you can have the key to the happiness that you deserve. Once again, I suggest that you grab a copy of Have The Relationship You Want. You won't regret it.

The Secret to Studying a Woman's Body Language


The Secret to Studying a Woman's Body Language

Men and many scientists have struggled for years to try and find out exactly what women want. Some men say that usually you have to go for the opposite of whatever a woman wants. So if she says she is fine, it means she isn't. However, there is so much more to try and find out and one of the best ways for finding out what women really want is by studying their body language.

If you have recently met a girl you quite like and your trying to work out if she likes you then you can find out by watching her body language closely. The only thing is that with body language you want to be able to decide if she is doing anything considerably different from how she normally acts. Therefore, this can be hard to work out if you just met her. For example, normally if a girl starts playing with her hair it means she likes you however how can you tell if she just plays with her hair all the time anyway?

The best way to decide is to approach the girl you like. Make a note of a few things which might indicate that she likes you and then leave the conversation. If your at a party, make an excuse that you need to go catch up with some friends but keep your eye on her.

If she is attractive then eventually another guy will make an approach to start talking to her too. This is when you should study her body language and see how she reacts to him compared to you.

This can be a great way of working out if she is truly into you. For example, you might approach her and she might seem a bit shy and tense, however if you see another guy approach her and all of a sudden she is happy and laughing then take it as a pointer that she isn't into you and vice versa of course.

Connecting Singles With The Help Of Russian Dating Services

Today Online Russian Dating Services receive tremendous response from singles using it quite often for finding their life partners. Yes! The new age of marriage or dating is using online method. Getting acquainted with a man or a woman you like without even the need to personally make a visit is possible now. These Russian dating services provide conversation through Chat or email or phone with the person who seems interested to know more. After people got acquainted, such dating sites help with arranging a personal meeting with both partners for further understanding. If one is lucky then their relationship is likely to end with a happy married life.

These online Russian dating services are Free to get registered and most of them are located in Russia and Ukraine. Even some of them have global presence in Countries like USA, Canada, etc. Most of the agencies allow free upload of your profile including pictures. Fees are charged at the time when you request the dating agencies to arrange a personal visit with the partner you have selected and interacted online. The best dating sites offer a lot of facilities like VISA support, various kinds of translation and travel packages for their clients.

The main objective of these Russian dating agencies is to ensure most of the meeting ends up into wedlock. In fact there are many stories of women or western men who are lucky enough to get their life partner after registering themselves in such online Russian dating agencies. Everyday thousands of visits are done to these Russian dating sites in a search of beautiful and perfect profiles.

There is no doubt that Russian dating sites are widely successful globally. But, the word of caution for most seekers is as follows - Make a ground work on finding the best site or agency located near your area. One makes a personal visit to get a more detailed support at the agency itself. Western men are flocking to these Russian dating sites as they are not interested in marrying a western woman. Russian women are considered to be more loyal, family loving and caring housewives compared to their western counterpart. Even Russian Brides prefer marrying a western man because they are rather disappointed in Russian men. Even the population of Russian men is low compared to Russian women.

It turns out that life of both Russian women and western men makes them search for love abroad. And it happens so that they perfectly match each other. The main intermediary between them is a dating agency as it is the best way to find a life partner abroad in the quickest way. Russian dating sites gained the greatest popularity in this sphere.

In conclusion it should be mentioned that one should pay a visit to such Russian dating sites to check the most popular ones. The selected site can be then contacted for further registration and support. Luck surely favors most of them who are getting their life partner selected from these agencies.

mercredi 22 septembre 2010

The Real Reason Most Men Aren't Successful With Women

For every guy I meet who claims that they are successful with women, I meet another five who claim they are unsuccessful. This can be for a variety of reasons, lack of confidence, lack of opportunity or fear. A lot of men simply don't think they are that good looking and therefore they don't even bother approaching women most of the time. Well the funny thing is that one of my best friends is extremely unattractive. He even makes jokes about just how ugly he is. Infact he doesn't have much going for him either as he works a dead end job, doesn't drive and still lives at home with his mum. However, the weird thing is he is extremely successful when it comes to getting women.

Everyone always asks him how he managed to get so many different women. He said his secret to success was quite simple, "try, try and try again".

He is quite a confident guy and he doesn't take it personally if a women says no to him. He just goes and finds another woman he likes and asks them out. He figures that he can get a phone number for every five girls he asks. So if he is in a busy club or bar he will ask at least fifty women for a date or their number and leave at the end of the night with ten numbers. He says from there at least five will turn into dates and that's why we always see him with different women all the time.

That's when I realised the real reason most men aren't successful with women is simply because they probably don't ask enough women out. A lot of men may simply ask two or three and if they get rejected they will simply give up. Well if you keep going you will find success eventually.

Healthy Relationship Secrets - What Is Attraction and Can It Really Be Created?

Building healthy relationships requires the understanding of how attraction is built, and this is in more than just dating relationships. This is because the same things which attract the opposite sex (confidence, charisma, charm, wit and trust) can also make you more attractive to anyone and increase your ability to build strong connections with others. So as we look at this simple "recipe" for building attraction, remember that this can be applied in any interaction with another human being....

What is Attraction?

There's nothing mysterious about attraction when you think about what actually causes it. Attraction is caused by a "feeling" that YOU get while you're around another person. This feeling is a tangible vibration of your nervous system which is sometimes accompanied by a chemical response in your body. Your mind then interprets this feeling as "good" and confirms that the person who awakened this feeling is "attractive..." in other words, that they're someone you want to be around.

So attraction is a physical energy and once this energy is awakened in someone, it becomes an involuntary process within their body. In fact, when you think about it, no one is really attracted to another person as much as they're attracted to the feeling which that person awakens in them. ?So attraction isn't about you, and the more aware you are of this, the more you'll be able to get your self-consciousness out of the way and build attraction in the other person.

How to Create Attraction

The "attraction energy" which was described above has three characteristics: it appeals to the three human needs of validation, excitement and security. If you get someone excited without appealing to their need for security, they'll likely be a little uneasy about their feelings towards you. This is often described as being "too good to be true" or even "phony." On the other hand, building only security will quickly bore the person as you won't be appealing to their need for excitement.

Finally, it's important to begin with security and excitement and to save validation for when you've built some rapport...if validation comes first it will come off as mere flattery.? It's security and excitement at the same time which create an irresistible magnetic force. Add to this a feeling which makes a person feel validated, and you're creating massive attraction.

Looking for Someone to Be With Also Needs for You to Look Within Yourself

The fact that you are looking for a person of your dream means that you are clear on what kind of person you want to share your future life with and are ready for a permanent relationship. Therefore you are looking to invest in a relationship that will bring permanency, commitment, trust in your life so that you can use the relationship as a solid foundation to grow your family.

When the feeling that you want someone in your life begins to creep into your mind, is when you should spend some time introspecting within and clearly plan out what you want out of your life and what you are seeking. It helps to get to know the real self in you, the values that are important to you and what you believe in. Further on you can also list down the things that you want to see in the other person and the thinks that you do not like in another person.

Commitment is the bottom life that you must have towards all things in your life. Commitment to your job, career, commitment to your partner, marriage, commitment to your children etc. Without commitment no relationship can work and you will not achieve any goals.

You are the creator of your own destiny. It is you alone who decides on how and what you want to be in this life and it is your thoughts that you give shape to and work towards manifesting them on this physical plane.

All of us at the bottom of our heart know what we are and what we like to be. Though buried deep inside, we will know at some point of time as to what is our calling. Accordingly we then work towards our goal in life.

Before you start looking for a suitable date, get all the things sorted out within yourself and be clear of what it is that you are looking for and what kind of person you would want to go out with.

View the original article here

High School Romance

I can only think of one couple that is still together that started dating while we were in high school. There were plenty of couples who were in love and knew that they had found their mate for life but, most of them were wrong.

So many things can happen upon graduating. Chances are that there is going to be a split so before it happens, be aware that it could.

I tried to send this message to my own kids when they were closing in on the graduation milestone. I didn't want to see them or any of their friends get hurt and possibly have a bad transition to life after high school. I tried to remind them again when they graduated from university.

Teens have to be aware that their relationship could really change when they leave high school. Sometimes the couple attends different universities and they won't see each other for long periods. The long distance relationship is hard to maintain. It would be nice if they went to the same school but each of them has to respect the right of the other to choose the school that is best for them. If you truly love that other person you want what is best for them too, so respect their choice.

Then the question is going to be, are you allowed to see other people? This is a tough relationship question and could end the relationship if it is discussed too early before the separation but, it has to be addressed. My own opinion is that you allow the other to date other people, essentially ending the relationship but maintaining hope. If you try to keep it together, not allowing dating, and one or the other does see other people, emotions like guilt, deceit and betrayal enter the situation and in the end someone is heartbroken.

It may still be hard to stomach when it happens, if you have allowed for dating, but to some degree you have prepared for it. The separation and the freedom may also create a stronger appreciation for each other. It shows respect, confidence and an intelligence about relationships.

If there is no separation due to attending distant schools and both members of the couple stay in the same city or town and enter the work force, there are a whole new set of influences that come into play. Mainly, co-workers. Teens while they are in high school know the entire social environment. When there is a job involved the cast of characters is 50% unknown to each member.

Co-workers want you to go out for drinks after work or play on a company team. Teens right out of high school haven't matured enough to allow for these other individuals to take up a portion of their loved ones time. After all, during high school you did everything together.

This stress of your mate placing some priority on activities outside of the relationship can cause a fracture in even a strong relationship. The fracture needs to be tended to with a mature attitude toward the relationship. Neither can be expected to cut out that work related portion of their life because it becomes part of their identity.

Maturity helps you grow and if you are mature you respect the other person's right to grow. Sadly, sometimes that means to grow apart.

There are many books and magazines that deal with keeping strong relationships but sometimes it doesn't work out. Being aware of the possibility, having a mature outlook toward the other persons choices and having a strong, independent self image is going to help you deal with the situation if it should occur.

Everyone is different and thinks they have the relationship of their life time and I hope you do but be prepared, be strong, take some of the sting out by thinking about how to go on if it ends.

Mitch Davies is a writer who will be publishing his second novel in early 2011. His third novel is in the works. Mitch has a keen interest in all things Japanese and has traveled extensively through Japan. His blog, Zonajin, follows his recent three month living experience and visit. Find out more about Mitch's latest book, A Wind In Montanahis, which is a coming of age young adult fiction novel.

Article Source:

Mitch Davies - EzineArticles Expert Author

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5 Things Women Want You to Know

Growing up our house was basically all women. Besides my mother, I also have three sisters, each very different in their thinking and behavior. So it's safe to say that I have learned a lot from their experiences. Not only have I heard their personal stories about men, but also from their friends as well. Here are 5 things women want you to know.

1. Guys Deal With Approach Anxiety

Women truly have no idea that guys deal with approach anxiety. I can't tell you how many times I've heard this from my women friends. I was not only shocked but very surprised. Seriously, they had no clue whatsoever that guys are deathly afraid to approach women. They can't believe guys are scared to talk to them. In their minds, what's to be afraid of!

So I asked the ladies why most men are shot down pretty quickly whenever they do pay them some type of compliment and their response was because they just assume the guys aren't really that interested in them. They honestly believe that the majority of guys are not attracted to them in the least. Wow!

2. Guys Won't Approach Women

For some reason, we as men seem to lump all women into a different category. We don't view them as human beings, like we are. Maybe that's our way of coping should they reject us right off the bat. But women are just as human as we are. If something good happens to them they are happy and if something bad happens then they are sad. Just the same as we are. They are honestly at a loss as to why we just won't approach them.

But here is one thing for sure about women. Don't expect them to make the first move. That's just not going to happen. Women are attracted to guys that are confident and guys who will lead.

3. Guys Who Are Confident

Women are more attracted to men who are confident. If you approach a woman and your stomach is tied up in knots and you are tripping all over your words, she is not going to be impressed at all. Oh sure, she might think you are nice but that's about it.

Remember that women don't know anything about the anxiety men have when approaching women so they just assume that's how you always are. If you show confidence and treat a woman well upon your initial meeting, she will reciprocate and treat you in the manner you deserve.

4. Why Women Are Rude

Women respond to men who are confident. If you approach a woman and come off as overbearing, obnoxious or arrogant, don't be surprised if they respond to you in a rude manner. Let's face it guys, if someone were to approach you in any of those manners, you would do the same. Once you make that initial connection and she enjoys engaging in some playful banter then fine. But you can't expect to insult her upon your first meeting and she falls head over heels for you. It's just not going to happen.

5. Why Women Think Some Guys Are Jerks

It should be pretty obvious by now why women think some guys are jerks. You've read the previous points so it's a pretty logical conclusion why women would feel this way.

The reason most of us don't approach women is because we either think we may be bothering them or we are scared of rejection. We are trying to be polite and respect their privacy. While on the other hand, you have the guy that doesn't give a darn about how they feel and who isn't afraid. He has no social skills and is going to dive right in anyway. Which ends up leading most women to the conclusion that guys are just jerks because these are the types of guys they have to deal with. They end up lumping the majority of men into that category.

The truth of the matter is that women are aware that there are some great guys out there and they continue to be baffled as to why they aren't able to meet any. They are waiting for that one guy to approach them that oozes with confidence and makes her comfortable. This is the kind of man they have been dreaming about and searching for all this time.

So there you have it, the 5 things women want you to know. Straight from their mouth and boy were they great lessons for me. Honestly they had no idea guys deal with approach anxiety, why guys won't approach women, they admire guys who are confident, why women are rude and why women think some guys are jerks.

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