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vendredi 27 août 2010

How to Flirt With a Woman - 3 Flirting Tips to Make Women Smile

How to Flirt With a Woman - 3 Flirting Tips to Make Women Smile


Flirting with a woman is not always an easy thing for guys to do. I know most guys get kind of "stuck" when they are on the spot and you try to coax them onto flirting with a particular woman. Sometimes, I do that to some of my friends when we go out, and it's funny how quickly some of them will just shut down and talk themselves out of even trying to flirt with women.
Well, you aren't going to get any female attention or dates that way, are you?
Anyways, here are 3 easy flirting tips that you can use to make women SMILE at you:
1. Approach her with a smile of your face.
For some reason, a lot of men get the idea that the "tough guy" image is what women are really seeking and so, when they walk up to a woman and have that stone cold look on their face, they think that they are doing the right thing. Well, if you want to get a smile from a woman, you have to give one. One guy that I learned a LOT from about natural game was a big guy and yet, he always had a smile on his face, and you better believe that the women LOVED him.
2. Make her laugh and joke around with her.
This goes right in hand with the first tip and it really boils down to the fact that most women that you meet are out to enjoy themselves. Making a woman laugh is one quick way to make her feel GOOD and because you are the one that is making her feel good, that automatically is a plus for you. The thing about making a woman laugh is that you really cannot try too hard. If you have ever seen a guy try too hard to make a woman laugh, then you know how awkward and painful that can be.
3. You need to use kino as a way to really take the flirting to the next level.
Before you get lost on the word, kino, all it refers to is the sense of physical touch. As long as you have smiled and made her laugh, you are doing pretty good. But, if she dated or went to bed with every guy that smiled at her and made her laugh, well, you know what she would be. So, you have to go to the next level and introduce a little kino when flirting with a woman. This helps to create the feeling of "intimacy" with her and that is always a good thing.
Want to get more advanced tips on how to flirt with women and end up becoming more than just friends with her?
Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Flirt, and Attract Beautiful Women...

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